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Restoration Levy
- Introducing a small charge to help repair, maintain and restore Trinity, a Grade II* listed building by sarah — last modified 30/09/2024 10:35 AM — Filed under: trinity presents, renovation, trinity
A catch up with our construction intern
- Trinity volunteer Lowie caught up with construction intern Davontay by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> — last modified 09/03/2018 05:12 PM — Filed under: highlight, renovation, trinity, heritage
Capital Works report 2019-22
- Read our report on our most recent works throughout COVID19 by sarah — last modified 10/11/2022 12:13 PM — Filed under: report, renovation
Trinity is set for a bright future
- A big thank you as the completion of works secure Trinity's future by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> — last modified 26/11/2018 12:27 PM — Filed under: highlight, renovation, heritage
An update, from the roof of Trinity
- We sent our marketing officer up to to the roof to meet the skilled workers fixing up Trinity by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> — last modified 02/11/2022 10:47 AM — Filed under: highlight, renovation, heritage
Garden Party - Helping to fix up Trinity
- This year we raised an amazing £2800 at Garden Party 2018 by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> — last modified 02/11/2022 11:17 AM — Filed under: highlight, renovation, heritage
Bristol musicians support Trinity
- "If I can help, I'd like to", John Parish and Adrian Utley tell us why they are supporting our Notes for Notes Appeal by tony — last modified 11/01/2017 02:25 PM — Filed under: highlight, renovation, events, heritage
Jimmy Cauty & Andy Council's exclusive artwork
- Two renowned artists join Trinity’s Crowdfunding Campaign to raise funds to repair the Trinity Centre by karina — last modified 01/02/2017 06:40 PM — Filed under: highlight, renovation
Facing a closed door
- In response to Arts Council England restrictions on funding for capital works by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> — last modified 02/11/2022 10:49 AM — Filed under: renovation
New 'Digs' at Trinity
- Find out more about works to provide more community space from the Centre site by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> — last modified 11/02/2023 07:58 AM — Filed under: project, renovation, community
Building news
- News about the Trinity Centre Development Project by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> — last modified 18/09/2024 06:50 PM — Filed under: renovation
Restoration and conservation: More Info
- A history of Trinity's capital works programme by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> — last modified 18/09/2024 06:52 PM — Filed under: Page, renovation
Restoration and Conservation: Project History
- More info about the centre's capital works programme by ryan — last modified 18/09/2024 06:53 PM — Filed under: Page, renovation
Restoration and Conservation: Plans and Images
- by ryan — last modified 18/09/2024 06:54 PM — Filed under: Page, renovation
- Trinity Community Arts have been undertaking conservation and renovation of the Trinity Centre, a Grade II* Listed Building, since 2004 by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> — last modified 25/10/2024 08:50 AM — Filed under: project, renovation, Page, heritage
Levy supports summer centre improvements
- Find out about improvements across the venue thanks to the ticket levy and supporting grants by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> — last modified 24/10/2024 11:09 AM — Filed under: renovation
Community Meeting: The future of Trinity Road Police Station
- Come along for your chance to ask questions, have your say and discuss the future of Trinity Road Police Station by alison — last modified 02/11/2022 10:53 AM — Filed under: renovation, community
Bristol Doors Open Days 2017
- Trinity's Doors open on Thursday 7th and Sunday 10th, 10am-4pm by karina — last modified 07/11/2019 11:30 AM — Filed under: renovation, heritage
Create with Clay
- Free taster sessions with Joanna Espiner, Tue 6 Sep - 2pm or 6pm by karina — last modified 07/11/2019 11:40 AM — Filed under: renovation, community
Fundraising guide
- Ideas for fundraising to support Trinity's charitable programme by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> — last modified 02/11/2022 11:18 AM — Filed under: highlight, renovation