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Globe Finds a Home at Trinity

by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 24/11/2022 12:11 PM

Trinity is excited to announce that one of The World Reimagined globes has found a new home on our site. The globe, created by Easton-born artist Michele Curtis, is titled 'Ascension', focused on "healing from the past, on unity, and on pride in ourselves and our community". Michele Curtis is known for her project 'The Seven Saints of Saint Pauls', a four-year series of murals around St Pauls, Bristol, commemorating the achievements of Black Bristolians and their contributions to racial and social justice.

"My practice has always focused on the positive aspects of Black history. My design focuses on our healing from the past, on unity, and on pride in ourselves and our community. My intention is to convey hope and encourage a sense of self-actualisation, while still honouring our cultural heritage and history" - Michele Curtis, Artist

The World Reimagined was a ground-breaking, national education project transforming how we understand the Transatlantic Trade in Enslaved Africans. The project was one of the largest art education projects for racial justice the UK has ever seen, comprising of education offerings in schools relating to the Transatlantic Trade in Enslaved Africans, alongside 103 unique globes placed across the UK, forming an education trail to allow the public to learn more. Trinity hosted a globe created by local artist Alex Grose, entitled 'Legacy', representing passage of time and the way history affects memory and knowledge in contemporary society, in our Community Garden.

Michele's Globe will be permanently on display at the front of the Trinity site, just right of the side entrance on Trinity Rd. Click here to find out more about The World Reimagined, and click here to find out more about Michele Curtis' Seven Saints of Saint Pauls project.

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