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by sarah last modified 27/06/2024 05:59 PM

Fun Palaces

by sarah last modified 27/06/2024 05:59 PM

In 2021, Trinity joined forces with Fun Palaces as part of a three year project that aims to give power to communities so they can re-think, re-claim or re-purpose civic and community spaces. Fun Palaces is a UK-wide organisation that supports volunteers, grassroots communities and organisations to programme events or create projects that celebrates community and everyday creativity.

Trinity's Producer, Esther Afikiruweh, is the Fun Palaces Ambassador for Bristol and is responsible for leading the initiative in the city.

She supports local residents in taking part in the project and to create their own 'Fun Palaces'. This includes advice and guidance on developing ideas into realities, support with funding applications and event management support.

There will be events in and around Trinity where people can come along and find out more about Fun Palaces which will lead up to a 'Fun Palace Weekender' in October 2024.

If you would like to find out more about Fun Palaces, please email Esther on

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