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by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 08/08/2018 09:32 AM

Call out for Bristol artists

by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 08/08/2018 09:32 AM
Call out for Bristol artists

Bristol artist Stewy's DJ Derek mural in the main hall

Silent Hobo and Mr Riks paint Trinity's reception in 2015

As part of our Heart & Soul project we are looking to commission artists to produce creative responses to key moments in Trinity’s history. The works created will be on semi permanent display in the building and become part of the indoor visual history trail that will be completed in Oct 2018.

Trinity already has a DJ Derek Stencil by artist Stewy, painted in celebration of a generous donation to our Youth Music project by Sweet Memory Sounds - a trust set up by Derek’s family and friends to keep Derek’s musical legacy going. We also have a mural painted by Bristol artists Silent Hobo and Mr Riks in our reception area, painted in 2015 during our last major capital works.

We imagine that the artwork could be a stencil or mural, painted, or sprayed, directly onto the walls:

- inspired by the history of the building

- appropriate to our audiences

- celebrating Trinity’s history

- Tells a story of Trinity

- Celebrates Trinity as the centre of community activity

We will work with artists to decide where the artworks will be and suggest artists come to the the site visit 21st Aug to have a tour of the building.  The total budget for all commissions is £2500 and could be spread across a few artists, or on a larger commission.

Artists can have full access to our archive – an extensive collection of images, flyers, posters, newspaper articles & oral interviews from the 1832 to the current day.

Download the full brief here

Deadline for submissions is Friday 31st August 2018, 12:00pm

Site visit Tuesday 21st August from 12:00pm - 7:00pm

The art work needs to be completed by Sunday 30th September 2018

The total commissioning budget is £2500 to include artists time and materials.


Have any questions? Then click here to send us an email

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