Tech spec This specification details facilities and equipment available for hire, which can be hired as part of your package
Access to Training Update Trinity has received funding from SITA and YANSEC to complete our Access to Training Project
GClub Gorillaz Live Rehearsal Show Announced GClub Gorillaz live rehearsal show kicks off three great months of live music and events at the Trinity Centre this spring
Shout out! Do you have photos, tickets, memories of the gigs at Trinity? Are you happy to share them with our archive? Click here for more info
Roller Disco Trinity is planning a Roller Disco extravaganza 19th & 20th of February, watch this space for more info and details of where to buy tickets, they're going to sell out fast!
New Training Room for 2009 Trinity has just completed a brand new training room for our new courses starting this autumn
The Beeb get down with Trinity's story BBC Bristol news coverage of Trinity new, year-long local history project What's Your Trinity Story?
Music puts Bristol firmly on map The Trinity Centre is steering clear of Bristol's usual suspects - bridges, balloons and John Wesley - and using music to put Bristol firmly on the map
What's Your Trinity Story? Trinity Community Arts is set to launch a new local history project, designed to collect people's stories and photos of their time spent at the Trinity Centre, Lawrence Hill
Project Respect: linking generations and cultures A second successful project took place in March funded by the Quartet Community Foundation Fund for Older People
Trinity launches new music programme Trinity is set to launch its new programme of up-and-coming music events designed to promote the music talent in the city, putting Bristol even more firmly on the map as a strong provider of musical talent in the UK
FREE Trinty Garden Party: Celebrating the Bristol Sound The Trinity Centre’s annual music, arts and craft extravaganza takes place on Sunday May 10, with a wealth of diverse live music performances headlined by Easton favourites RSVP
Foyer to adopt new Linux system Foyer and Trinity partnership promises to provide better access to multi-media systems for young people
Tux to replace Trinity window Wealthy free-software activist and entrepreneur donates £250,000 to fund penguin stained-glass window design
Linux & Multimedia Techies Wanted! Trinity is interested to hear from any self-motivated volunteers that would like to help support our Linux-based multimedia network or training
New Courses for 2009 Trinity has a packed programme of training and courses for a variety of ages and abilities
Patchwork puts music not money first When Trinity was approached by a group of 4 Montpelier ravers to host "a night for the music and not the money" we couldn't resist getting involved
Hype qualify for World Dance Championships Easton dance troupe Hype Dance are celebrating after qualifying for the World Dance Championships
Trinity shortlisted for IT award Trinity and volunteer Alex Holding have been shortlisted for the finals of the IT4Communities Awards