DIY Arts Network Trinity is a member of The Bristol DIY Arts Network; an independent gathering of arts organisations and arts practitioners, large and small, who deliver cultural programmes within the city of Bristol
Fast Fashion, #Resist Shorts and Environmental Talks Summer programme of events exploring creative acts of resistance
Open call for Trinity Commission (Closed) New opportunity for Artists/collectives working in any art-form
Kickstart scheme roles 4 x placements, 25 hours per week, 6 month contract, paid at Real Living Wage (£9.50ph), applicants must be aged 16-24 years old, claiming Universal Credit
Snapshots of Live Resistance Online gallery exploring ways in which women have used creativity to amplify messages
Trinity receives Culture Recovery funding Trinity has been granted funding from the Cultural Recovery Fund
A city of protest Curator and historian Dr Edson Burton speaks to the BBC about the history of protest in Bristol
What I Want To Be, What I Want to See Trinity is thinking about the future, and we want to start by hearing from the people that matter - you
Join Trinity as a Trustee Trinity are reaching out for new Trustees to join the existing Board on the next phase of our journey
#GetInvolved on International Women's Day Celebrate and take part in a month-long programme of events and activities
Trinity in lockdown by Save Bristol Nightlife Bristol-based band record socially distanced video in Trinity and other independent venues
Weddings at Trinity in 2021 The perfect venue for weddings in a covid-secure venue at the heart of Old Market
At arms length and in arms reach Politics can be intrinsic to, whilst also remaining separate from, the work of charities
Update from the #Resist Team We touch base with the #Resist Team to find out what's been going on behind the scenes with Trinity's heritage project
Trinity to update capital plan following COVID19 Trinity has been awarded £45k from Architectural Heritage Fund to carry out an updated feasibility study as a result of COVID19
In focus: LGBTQ History Month Shining a light on the achievements of the LGBTQ+ community in Bristol and beyond
Trinity Presents: Garden Sessions Revisited Watch: Waldo's Gift Launched our weekend events in our outdoor venue, Oct 2020
Idles support Independent Venues Week Bristol-based band record socially distanced video in Trinity and other independent venues
Covid19 - 11 January 2021 Prime Minister urges everyone to stay at home to limit the transmission of the coronavirus - 23 March 2020
Bristol Poem A poem written by children and young people from schools all over Bristol about the city they live in, 2012