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DIY Arts Network

by <object object at 0x7f3279989580> last modified 11/02/2023 07:46 AM
DIY Arts Network

Bristol DIY Arts Network

©Khali Ackford

Trinity is a member of Bristol's DIY Arts Network; an independent gathering of arts organisations and arts practitioners, large and small, who deliver cultural programmes within the city of Bristol.

We meet regularly to advocate for the sector and to discuss and inform policy, as well as forming working groups in response to specific issues and to develop shared activity. This thinking feeds directly into the wider cultural conversations happening at a high level in the city through the One City Culture Board.

We also have social activities and network meetings - online and in person - so that people working in the arts can share ideas and support one another and to navigate the challenges of the arts sector, together.

The group’s members work across different scales and different artforms; some specialise in participatory opportunities, others seek out an audience; some charge, some don’t; and some provide complex programmes that sit across a number of strands.

Together, we are committed to the successful future of our city, and the creativity of both Bristol and Bristolians. We have developed a set of saraed DIY Arts Culture Standards which aims to make Bristol’s arts sector fair, open and inclusive. Read more about how we're delivering on that commitment, here.

Network members include Bristol Old Vic, Watershed, Bristol Beacon, Knowle West Media Centre, Artspace Lifespace, St Paul's Carnival, MAYK, Bristol Paraorchestra, Zion and many others including independent artists and freelance creative practitioners.

If you are an independent artist, practitioner or smaller organisation unable to attend a meeting, you can share ideas, views and concerns with Trinity. Contact us if you have an idea/issue you would like to raise.

We're what you make us so get involved! #MaketheSpace.

There may also be some small bursaries available for individual artists and practitioners to attend committee meetings. Please contact Theatre Bristol who help to administer the group for more information.

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